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Small but Mighty

November 14, 2019
By Adam Tilove

What’s the perfect size for a school?

I want a school that is small enough for teacher to know students personally and keep a close eye on their academic and social life, but big enough that kids have a diversity of teachers to learn from.

I want a school that is big enough to have a variety of sports, but small enough that every kid gets real playing time.

I want a school that is big enough for kids to keep meeting new kids, and have a rich social life, but small enough that they know and feel comfortable with kids older and younger than them.

I want a school that feels vibrant and exciting, but at the same time, safe and intimate.
On Wednesday I experienced my first HBHA pep rally. The kids cheered for each other, did relay races together, and laughed together as I (and several high school students) got pies in the face. It was a joyous experience and really cool to see full grown seniors and tiny Kindergartners working together in partnership. I was blown away by both the diversity and the unity; by the vibrancy and the warmth. 
HBHA is small but mighty. It’s the Goldilocks school. Not too big and not too small. Juuuust right.