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Our Lech Lecha Journey

October 30, 2020
By Adam Tilove

This week’s parsha is Lech Lecha, derived from the first two words of the parsha in which G-d commands Abram (later know as Abraham) and Sarah “Go forth from your native land ... to the land that I will show you” (JPS) or or “Go for yourself from your land… to the land that I will show you.” (Stone)

But neither of these translations capture the literal translation of Lech Lecha, which is “Go to you from your land …”

It’s a strange formulation but so profound! G-d is telling Abraham and Sarah that they can not be their complete fully actualized selves without taking a journey. They cannot be who they are meant to be in Haran. They need to be in Canaan (Israel) to find their destiny.

Not all of us are meant to be in Israel to find our best selves, but all of us are on a Lech Lecha journey. We are traveling to our future selves. And our goal it to make that future self find happiness, security, and meaning.

We, as educators, are custom tour guides on this journey for our students. We know each of our students is going to the open promised land - no two students, journeys, or destinations is the same. Our role is to give them the tools, confidence, direction, and safety to grow into their best future selves. It requires a combination of patience and pushing, listening and speaking, clearly guiding and allowing for meandering and exploration, rigor and joy, having high expectations, but tailoring our expectation to each child.

Our job is challenging, but exciting as well. We get to see our children grow into their best selves. There is no greater joy than that.

Shabbat Shalom,

Adam Tilove
HBHA Head of School