Student Services
Student Services
A Supportive Learning Environment
HBHA's Student Services team strives to provide learning assistance to all students K-12. The Student Services team works to implement emotional, behavioral, and academic support and accommodations for varying learning styles and differences.
The Student Services team is composed of a K-12 Child Development and Wellbeing Specialist, ELL & Learning Specialist, Enrichment Coordinator, Director of Student Services, School Principal, and appropriate grade level teaching team. For more information regarding MS/US please contact Director of Student Services Laura Severin at (913)-327-4645
K-5 Director of Student Services Wendy Snitz: (913)-327-8164
School Psychologist: Rachel Ryan (913)-327-8154
Learning Support
Student Services works to provide an appropriate response when academic and behavioral needs are demonstrated by the student in the form of:
- Frequent data-based monitoring for instructional decision-making to empower each student to achieve high standards (collective data may result in a referral to a private evaluator or the student’s public school for problem solving or possible evaluation and services)
- Collaborative work with parents to design and implement Individualized Action Plans (Lower School), Behavioral Plans, School/Home Plans, 504 Plans (Lower/Middle/Upper School), and Alternative Diploma Plans (Upper School)
- Pull-out and push-in services for Lower School from members of the Student Services team
- Problem solving support for grade level teaching teams to help teachers adapt and modify assignments and assessments to meet student’s needs
LAUNCH Program
Learning and Understanding Nature through Creativity and Hard Work (LAUNCH) – supports the academic needs of high-achieving and gifted learners K-5. HBHA employs a part-time position to the LAUNCH program to help ensure that all high-achieving and gifted learners receive the rigor and challenge necessary for continued growth.
LAUNCH facilitator:
- Supports high achieving and gifted students though individual and small group pull-out instructional periods
- Collaborates with the classroom teachers to address advanced learning needs of high-achieving students and provide differentiated activities in the classroom
- Works in the classroom in small learning groups as needed
- Monitors students throughout the year to ensure appropriate student growth