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Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy enrolls approximately 200 students in grades K–12, drawn from communities all over the Greater Kansas City Metro area.

HBHA maintains a low student-to-teacher ratio of 17:1 (maximum) for any class.

HBHA’s formal Kindergarten admissions events take place in January and February; however, tours and applications throughout the year are welcome. Applications for lateral entries into grades 1-11 are reviewed on a rolling admissions basis.

Children need to be 5 years old by August 31 of the enrollment year in order to apply and enroll in the Kindergarten class.

Yes, or in the process of converting. Please contact Rabbi Elizabeth Bonney-Cohen for more information.

Some do, most do not. Families that choose synagogue school in addition to HBHA primarily do so for their students’ social connections with congregational peers, not for Jewish learning. Hebrew and Jewish Studies are part of the HBHA school day making for a rich and complete Jewish education.

One of the most wonderful aspects of HBHA is our diverse population – our students, parents and staff represent the entire spectrum of the Jewish community. Our students come from a wide variety of backgrounds, levels of Jewish knowledge and levels of home observance. We foster an environment of mutual respect in which we appreciate differences and learn from each other. To help our students more fully embrace their Jewish connection, we offer a dual-track Jewish Studies program. For more information on our Jewish Studies program, and how it can meet your family's needs, please click here.

No, it's not too late! We welcome lateral entry students (entering 1st to 11th grades) to the school who may not have a strong Hebrew and Jewish Studies background. In the summer prior to the student's start at HBHA, families are strongly encouraged to arrange one-on-one or small group Hebrew tutoring with HBHA-referred tutors. During the school year students are provided Hebrew and Jewish Studies resource assistance during the school day.

At HBHA, we take seriously the safety and well-being of our children. In 2015, it was determined that HBHA will not accept any vaccination waivers from families for religious or philosophical reasons. This policy was accepted by the HBHA Board on February 9, 2015, and put into effect immediately. The only possible exception to this policy would be a medical waiver for vaccines that raise potential issues for a specific child. Please click here for more information, as well as a downloadable copy of the Kansas Immunization Form.

Our typical school day for grades K-12 is 8:00 am - 3:45 pm, Monday-Thursday, and 8:00 am - 2:50 pm on Friday, in preparation for Shabbat. HBHA opens its doors at 7:30 am. Beginning at 7:40 am, administrators and faculty greet students on the HBHA circle drive and Lower School students are supervised in the halls. Classrooms open at 7:45 am. Formal learning begins at 8:00 am.

Most Wednesdays will feature a 9:30 am late start time for team planning time. An 8:00 am dropoff is available for students on those days. Click here to view the full calendar.

Students in the Lower and Middle schools have a formal dress code. Upper School students must abide by school guidelines for appropriate dress. 
Click here for HBHA's Dress Code information for all school divisions.

HBHA students experience a variety of special classes as part of their curriculum: 

  • Lower School students have general and Jewish music classes, PE, computers, art, and library on a regular basis.
  • Middle School students have a larger selection of electives including PE, art, robotics, computers, choir, drama, and Jewish Studies.
  • Upper School students have an even wider variety of electives from which to choose, based on their interests.

HBHA students also have the opportunity to participate in a number of extracurricular sports and clubs for various ages. HBHA offers Talmid, a free after-school, teacher-supervised homework and tutoring program to all students in grades 2-12. Additionally, the Jewish Community Center, which is housed on the same campus as HBHA, offers after school child care, sports, and arts activities in which HBHA students may participate.

Students bring dairy or pareve (non-meat, non-dairy) lunches and snacks from home. HBHA's PTO-run Ram's Cafe, a Vaad HaKashrut supervised kosher dairy cafe, is available to Middle and Upper School students for purchase of snacks and lunch daily. Additionally, approximately quarterly, the Upper School Student Council offers hot dog, latke, or pizza lunch fundraisers for the K-12 student body.

HBHA's Lunch/Snack Policy
Dairy/Pareve Lunch Ideas
List of accepted Kosher Symbols

HBHA is committed to maintaining an economically diverse community, and we have a confidential Financial Assistance process. Families may apply for need-based Financial Assistance to learn if they qualify for reduced tuition.

As a 501c3 nonprofit, HBHA remains a thriving school, thanks to the many families and supporters who make charitable contributions each year. Tuition covers only about half the cost of educating your student, so it is our hope that every family, regardless of income or financial aid status, will contribute to HBHA’s Annual Campaign and our annual Civic Service Award Celebration. It conveys a strong message to HBHA's funders and grantors when 100% of our families support HBHA through a charitable donation. Your gift, no matter how much, makes a difference!